Best Guide to Craft a Computer Engineering Resume

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We live in a world where technology has amalgamated with our day-to-day life. It has covered every corner of the world and has seeped into every household, making it inseparable. Think about it: anything we do, there is some kind of gadget or techno trinket involved.

The same goes for businesses. They thrive on information and technology. For them, failure to adapt to technological change could mean failure for the entire business. For this reason, businesses value employees who can handle technology well. 

Those who are pursuing a career in computer engineering are living in good time. It’s because technological advancement has led to computer engineers becoming a valued role in every business. However, there are multiple job openings for computer engineers. The competition is even higher. You could be competing against hundreds of applicants to get the same job as you. 

The only thing that could help you spark the recruiter’s interest is an outstanding computer engineering resume. The primary purpose of the resume is to show your relevant skills, qualifications, and experience to the recruiter to show you as the best fit for the role. You could say it’s the first impression that you make on the recruiter. But although the resume is the key to getting a lucrative job in the computer engineering industry, it’s not that simple to make. Sure, you could use computer engineering resume examples you find over the web, but think about it! Learning how to make one will help you in the long run. 

As resume experts, we’ve presented a guide to help you prepare your resume for computer engineering. We’ll cover all the essentials from resume formatting to structure, taking you step by step through what you should and should not do. 

Furthermore, we’ll also take a look at cover letters and how they help your resume. So, if you want to start your computer engineering quickly, make sure to read this entire blog so you can make a resume that stands out. So, without any time to waste, let’s begin: 

Looking at the Format for Computer Engineering Resume

Before we begin, imagine you’re a recruiter for a second. You’ve received hundreds of resumes for a single job opening. You’re looking for a candidate perfect for the job. In the resume pile, you found some that are messy, cluttered, and jumbled, while some are structured clearly. What would be the best ones to check first? Obviously, the clearly structured ones, as they’re easier to read. That’s what proper formatting does to your resume. 

The resume appearance matters a lot. If the layout messes with the reading experience of the recruiter, it might end up getting rejected. So, here’s what you can do about formatting for your computer engineering resume:

The Most Crucial Sections of Resume for Computer Engineer

Now, with formatting out of the way, the next thing that you want to look at in your computer engineering resume are the sections. Just like how software follows an algorithm to operate successfully, your resume depends on clearly constructed sections to showcase your skills and qualifications to the recruiter. Here’s a step–by–step guide for constructing each section of your resume for a computer engineer. 

1. Never Forget the Resume Header

No resume is complete without a proper resume header. It’s the first section of your resume that introduces your name and contact details clearly to the recruiter. The section’s significance stems from the fact that it offers crucial contact info to let them contact you if they find you suitable. For this reason, the header takes the resume’s top spot. 

A resume header is pretty easy to make. You only have to list down your name and contact info, and it’s done. But be sure to ensure the resume header is prominent. Here’s what you need to include as contact information:

2. Make the Perfect Resume Objective or Summary Statement

Next up, we have the resume objective or summary statement. Recent reports indicate that an employer receives around 118 job applications for a single job advert. With several resumes to go through, it’s a tedious task for recruiters. They usually spend around 7-8 seconds on a single resume to decide whether to go through it or not. 

And the best way to do it is by reading the resume objective or summary statement. Think of this section as your proper introduction to the resume. It is a 3-4 sentence brief overview of the most relevant skills and experience you possess, which makes you the best fit for the position. If the recruiter finds your resume objective or summary statement interesting, only then would they consider giving your computer engineering resume a read. 

You can either use a resume objective or a summary statement. Although both have the same function of introducing you as a candidate to the recruiter, they possess one key difference. A resume objective discusses your vision, goals, and the reason for seeking employment. This would go well with an entry-level resume.

 In comparison, a summary statement is an overview of your past work experience and skills that make you best suited for the job role. Seasoned professionals should go for summary statements. Here’s an example of what a resume objective and summary statement would look like in a resume for a computer engineer:

Computer Engineering Resume Objective Examples

Seeking a Computer Engineering Role in your esteemed company. Have expert knowledge in hardware, software applications, and networks. Looking forward to utilizing skills in coding, programming, and networking to improve my technical abilities while also helping the company move forward.

Computer Engineering Resume Summary Statement Examples

A computer engineer professional with 13+ years’ experience specializing in software management, installation, and programming. Have adept knowledge in problem-solving to help solve complex technical issues. A strong history of delivering scalable technology solutions to improve business operations. 

3. Create the Computer Engineering Job Description

Now, we move on to the section that the recruiters actually want to see, which is the job description. This section offers an overview of your work history and past behavior with previous employees. 

Just like how the hard drive stores your files and folders, the job description helps record your relevant work history for the recruiter to see. Through it, they get an idea of what you did back then and what you were responsible for while working under your previous employer. With it, they can evaluate if you’ll be suitable for the current job role or not. 

Now you might be wondering what if you don’t have experience. If you’re starting on an entry-level, then you could point out part-time or volunteer work that you did in the past. Through it, you could emphasize the transferrable skills you learned that could benefit the new company. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on making the resume job description section.

Here’s a simple resume job description example to help

Work History Example

Embedded System Computer Engineer

ABC Systems, Rockville, MD

December 2018-January 2021

4. Document Computer Engineering Education Section

After you’re done with your work history, a section on educational qualifications is a great way to support it, especially for entry-level computer engineers. For a career in computer engineering, you must at least have a bachelor’s degree. So, to showcase your educational qualification to the recruiter, the education section is most crucial. Here’s how you can make one on your own for your computer engineering resume:

5. List Down your Skills in Computer Engineer Resume

Computer engineering is a highly competitive field. If you want to be at the top, then you must include a skill list with your resume. A skill list helps the recruiter know what hard and soft skills they possess that they need. Building a resume skill list isn’t rocket science. Here’s what you need to do to make a skill list that would impress employers:

6. Other Sections That Boost Your Resume

Although you can end your resume after finishing the skill section, if you happen to have some space left, then you could use it to add some additional sections to make your resume stand out. Here are a few options that you could use:

5 Mistakes You Should Never Make in a Computer Engineering Resume

Now that you know everything about making a resume for computer engineering, you’re all set to make one on your own. But before you do, there are some common mistakes you should be aware of that first-timers often make. Learn about them so you don’t make them yourself:

1. Not Tailoring to the Job Role

Computer engineering is a broad field that branches out to carry out different roles, depending on where they work in the organization. For instance, cyber security and software development are two distinct sub-branches of computer engineering. A person working in one sub-branch might not be suitable to work in the other. 

A similar can be said for computer engineering job roles. If you’ve made a resume for a specific job position, it won’t have the same impact for a different one. So rather than relying on cookie-cutter solutions, either tailor your resume to the job role or partner up with professional resume writers to prepare multiple computer engineer CVs or resumes. 

2. Not Updating Your Resume

Some believe that making a resume is a one-time thing, and you don’t need to make one if you’re not looking for a job. And that’s completely false. Failing to update your resume could lead you to miss out on opportunities. It’s crucial that you update your resume from time-to-time, if you’re job hunting, learned a new skill, or completed your Master’s degree. 

The resume isn’t just a thing that you send over to the recruiter to get a chance for an interview, but it’s also a document that records each step you take in your professional career. It highlights your work experience, educational qualifications, and skills. And as there is always room for growth, the same can be said for a resume. Regularly update your resume so you have one ready when the opportunity arises.

3. Using a Spammy Email

Look at this email:; something seems off about it, right? Would you want to contact them if you received a resume from this email? You’d probably answer “No.” And that’s what the real recruiter would do as well. These kinds of emails look ridiculous and may present you as non-serious. 

It’s crucial that you avoid using them to be on the safe side. If you have an email like this, then don’t put it in your computer engineering resume. If possible, create a separate account with a professional-looking new email. Your new email should only have your name. For instance, If it’s already been taken, then you could include special characters such as “_” and “-“between your name. You could keep this as your work email.  

4. Using a Photo on a Resume

Photos are a wildcard on a resume. Some employers prefer having them (modeling, acting), while others aren’t too specific. But it’s never a good idea to put your photo in your resume. Why, you ask? Well, for starters, think about it this way. Does a photo give any value to your resume? What’s the reason that you want to put your photo in your resume? Does my employer need it? 

If you’ve answered “No” to all three, then you must realize why putting a photo on a resume is useless. Photos don’t have anything to do with your resume. The primary purpose of the resume is to showcase your skills and experience, not your appearance. Furthermore, your photo will take up space in your already limited resume. So, avoid using them even if you feel like it. 

5. Not Giving Time to Proofread It

After you craft a resume, don’t send it to the recruiter right away. You might not be aware, but your resume might still need improvement. A completed resume might still have grammatical errors and spelling typos that could make it look unprofessional. That’s why it’s crucial that you proofread it carefully before sending your resume. 

Take the time to proofread it carefully. If you spot any errors, immediately fix them. After you’re done proofreading, let someone you trust also take a look at your document to spot any errors you missed. Once done, then send it to the recruiter. 

Never Fail with a Cover Letter

Sending a cover letter is the hidden rule of recruitment. Employers prefer CVs and resumes that also have a cover letter attached. A cover letter refers to a one-page letter that you submit with your resume for a job. It’s a supporting document that conveys how you’re the perfect candidate for the job.   

Reasons for Writing a Cover Letter

The main reason why cover letters are great is because they talk about your experience, qualifications as well and interests, which helps convince the employer why you’re the most suitable role for the job. It helps demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position while also giving a sense of your personality and writing style.  

How to Write a Cover Letter?

Here’s a simple way to write a cover letter that goes well with a computer engineering resume:

Final Note

In conclusion, if you want to pursue a career in computer engineering, then a resume is your first stepping stone. By following the guide above, you’re sure to craft a compelling computer engineering resume. Ensure to give it proper formatting, as well as also ensure you include the sections carefully. Avoid making the common mistake. And ensure to send your resume with an engaging cover letter. With everything set, you’re sure to receive a call from the hiring manager for an interview.  

Quick Questions

First, list down the skills the employer wants. Next, list down the skills you have. Compare both lists to find the skills that match. These are the skills to put in your computer engineering resume. Mention the skills at the end of the resume or just after the education section.  

A resume objective for a computer engineer needs to discuss who you are, what you want, and what you bring to the table. Using 3-5 sentences, indicate what your goals are and the relevant skills you want to use to help you achieve that goal.  

A computer engineering resume should follow a reverse-chronological format. 

A software engineer should also use the reverse chronological format. 

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