High School Student Resume Examples - Showcase Your Skills and Experience

The resume is usually the first point of contact that a candidate has with a potential employer, and it must make a substantial and positive impression. For a high school graduate, well-written and well-structured high school resume examples can help candidates stand out from the competition and increase their chances of being selected for an interview.

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Get Noticed with a Standout High School Resume Example

A high school resume is a document that highlights the education, skills, and work experience of an individual seeking employment based on their education. It is an essential document as it provides potential employers with a comprehensive overview of the candidate’s qualifications and suitability for the role.

Impress Hiring Managers with Our Proven Resume Examples

Impress Hiring Managers with Our Proven Resume Examples

The spaces covered in this high school resume sample and writing tutorial are as follows:

  • How to write and structure your high school resume for maximum impact?
  • The importance of keywords to ensure your resume passes through the applicant tracking systems filter.
  • What skills should you include in your high school resume?
  • Tips on how to write an impressive summary section for your high school resume?

How to Write and Structure Your High School Resume for Maximum Impact?

A professional high school resume is crucial for getting your desired job. You should customize your resume according to your educational and professional journey that highlights your achievements and qualifications. Determinate that a resume is a marketing pawn, and it should clarify how you can add worth to the organization. Here is how you should create your high school resume.

Headline and Summary

Your resume’s headline and summary are the first things a hiring manager will see. Your headline should be a concise statement that outlines your professional identity, such as “Self-starter High School Graduates with a Passion to Excel.” The resume’s summary should pithily define all your skills, background and how they align with the position you are applying for.

Professional Background

The professional background section defines where you have come from. In this section, you can emphasize your skills and experience and present how you can add value to the organization. Write your professional background using the functional resume format, highlighting your skills.

Enclose the following details for each position:

  • Job title
  • Company name
  • Dates of employment
  • Duties and achievements
  • Don’t forget to use and quantify your achievements

Education and Certificates

our education and certifications are one of the things that can bring you to the job interview. Write your highest level of education first, heeded as per other degrees or certifications.

Cite your Skills

This section allows you to highlight your technical skills and non-technical skills. Enclose any appropriate software you are adept in and soft skills such as communication, pressure handling, or problem-solving.

Extra Sections

In this section, you can incorporate in your resume are:

  • Prizes and accomplishments
  • Volunteer background
  • Experienced memberships
  • Personal assignments

These sections can confirm your dedication to your job and show your skills and experience differently.

Transform your resume, transform your career

The Importance of Keywords for High School Resume

Keywords play a crucial role in high school resumes as they help ensure that the resume is easily searchable and readable by human recruiters and computer-based applicant tracking systems (ATS). Keywords are specific terms and phrases relevant to the field and the job the candidate is applying for.

Some examples of high school-related keywords that should be included in a resume are:

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Team player
  • Fast learner
  • Problem solving
  • Project management
  • Time management
  • Critical thinking
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Decision making 
  • Attention to details


Using these keywords in the resume will help highlight a high school grad’s skills and qualifications, including keywords relevant to the specific job postings that you are applying to. These keywords will also increase the chances of the resume being selected by an ATS or hiring manager.

It’s important to note that keywords should be used naturally and not be forced or overused, as it can make the resume appear spammy or unprofessional. Using keywords that accurately reflect the candidate’s skills and experience is also crucial.

What Skills Should You Include in Your High School Resume?

  1. Niche-related skills: You should highlight the skills that are required for the job you are applying to. 
  2. Software proficiency: List your proficiency in relevant software.
  3. Project management: Showcase your ability to manage multiple projects, meet deadlines, and work collaboratively with cross-functional teams.
  4. Communication and presentation skills: Highlight your ability to communicate complex information easily.
  5. Leadership and mentoring: Mention any experience you have leading teams or mentoring someone.
  6. Continuous learning and professional development: Showcase any training or certifications you have obtained to stay up-to-date with industry trends and regulations.


What if you don't have any experience?

Experience is usually a plus, but everyone needs to start somewhere. If you’re starting or switching careers, you’ll need to develop a unique approach to emphasize any work you’ve done that is pertinent to the position you’re applying for.

Internships, fellowships, voluntary work, and occasionally employment wholly unrelated to your field are examples of this. It might be a good idea to mention your educational credentials first if you lack experience because you are still in college. It would be best if you also went above and beyond in your profile or summary to explain why you believe this is your ideal field.

Unbeatable Resume Options with Unmatchable Quality

Discover the most effective and professional resume examples to help you stand out from the competition and land your dream job.

Quick Questions

Our website features various high school resume samples/examples to help entry-level candidates get their desired job in any industry. 

Yes, all high school resume samples/examples on our website are free to use as a reference or guide when creating your resume.

Each high school resume example on our website includes a brief description of the experience level. You can filter the examples by experience level and industry on the website’s search bar.

Our website offers tips for making your high school resume stand out. Such as using action verbs, highlighting relevant experience, and keeping it concise.

Yes, our website offers a variety of high school resume samples/templates that you can download and edit to fit your specific experience and qualifications. 

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