34+ Unique Interview Questions and Answers for Entry-Level Jobs

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So, you just got called in for your first interview. Congratulations! The first job interview is a big deal. You might not know it, but you’re among the lucky few that got a chance to prove your worth. Did you know that an average job posting receives more than 250 applicants? And after a careful screening process, only four to six candidates from the bunch are called in for the interview. So for that we have tried to cover the most Unique Interview Questions and Answers for entry level jobs. 

The interview is the second step of the hiring process, where the employer wants to evaluate whether you have the skills and experience that you mentioned in the resume. Although a strong resume, either you made yourself or through consulting a resume writing service, gets you noticed by the employer, the interview is what makes or breaks your chances of getting hired.

The first interview for most freshers is nerve-racking. Chances are it’s for you as well, which could be the reason you came here to us. You might be wondering right now: what questions will they ask, and what answers should you give? For that, don’t worry, as we’re here to help.

The following blog is the ultimate guide for all the unique interview questions to consider and the best answers to give. We’ve prepared the ultimate list of the common, situational, and behavioral questions an interviewer will ask and the best way to construct a response that impresses the Interviewer and lands you your first job. 

So, if you want to make your mark in front of the Interviewer, stick around to learn the proper way to construct answers that impress. 

Unique Interview Questions and Answers that we have covered for you

Most Common & Unique Job Interview Questions

Unique Situational Job Interview Questions

Behavioral Questions in a Job Interview

Most Common & Unique Job Interview Questions

Let’s first start the guide with the most common questions first. Consider these the ABCs of any job interview. As you take the first step into your career journey, it’s important to have an idea of what typical questions to expect in any interview you are called in.

Although it’s true that there is no right or wrong answer to interview questions, there is a set of rules you need to follow while answering them. If you understand what the Interviewer expects from your answer, you’ll be able to ace that interview, reinforcing your chances of landing your first job.

Let’s go through the most common interview questions and the unique answers before you take a seat in front of the recruiter:

1. Tell me Something About Yourself

Think of this question as the be-all and end-all question the Interviewer will ask. It ranks first in the common questions to expect from any interviewer for any job position. Looking at the question, it’s a simple one, right? How hard can it be to talk about yourself? You do it all the time. But that’s not what the recruiter is looking for. 

Let’s consider the recruiter’s perspective. They don’t want you to explain your whole life, from birth till the present; what they want is actually a pitch. Just as a salesman gives a pitch about their product to convince the customer to buy it, this career question gives you the opportunity to show why you’re the most relevant person for the position. 

Your aim here is to present yourself as the ideal candidate through a response that stands out as a unique interview question answer. A good rule of thumb is to structure your talking points as follows:

Sample Answer 1

“Hello! My name is Samuel Nicholson, and I’m a fresh graduate with a Software engineering degree from University U. Being new, I’m passionate about the junior front-end developer position. What excites me is the fact that I can apply my academic knowledge. 

I have some background in web development while I studied at the University. One of the notable achievements I can recall was a team project during my senior year. My team and I were to develop a mobile application aimed at promoting environmental awareness. I was appointed as the head of the project and was responsible for coordinating tasks and ensuring clear communication in the team. In addition, I also played a hands-on role in coding to contribute to the functionality of the app. 

Through strong teamwork, we had a successful outcome and were able to launch our application without any setbacks. In addition, it was met with a wave of positive responses from our peers. This is also one of the reasons that drove my passion towards app development.”

Sample Answer 2:

“I’m Mary June, a recent college graduate from Yale University. I’ve completed my master’s in biotechnology, so I know my way around the lab. I’ve had multiple opportunities to use my knowledge in practice, as I was a lab assistant during my senior year. 

Being in the lab and working with the equipment is almost like second nature to me now, which is why I’m passionate about working as a technical lab assistant. I’m passionate, extremely responsible, and patient. I’m looking forward to practicing everything I learned at University.”

What Kind of Answer Should Never Give to the Interviewer?

“Uh, I don’t know. I just graduated recently and was looking for a job when you guys popped up. I guess I’m a hard worker as I found studying a pain and I was able to complete it without dropping off. Apart from that I don’t have any particular skill set that I’m proud of.”

2. How Did You Hear About This job

Being at the interview, you’re sure to be hit with this common interview question: “How did you hear about this job?” This is a great opportunity to leverage your communication skills to use them to your advantage. 

The recruiter could ask this entry-level interview question either in the interview form or the interview itself. Either way, you can leverage it to show your excitement and interest in the company. 

Even if you don’t have been continuously refreshing the company site to view the job listing, your unique interview question answer should make it seem like you have. If you were told by someone inside the company or someone recommended you, be sure to highlight them and their position. 

Did you know that referrals take a huge chunk of the job market, being the leading source of candidates for 88% of employers? Mentioning the person’s name and position and explaining their reasoning for you to apply can impress the Interviewer and make you look more credible. 

Your aim for this common interview question should be to give a unique answer that showcases why the open position caught your eye and what excites you about the job opportunity. 

Sample Answer 1

“I’ve known about Sam Technologies for a long time- as I’m one of the long-time consumers of their high-quality gadgets. I even owe one of the premium watches they launched back in 2018. 

I love the company’s passion for creating elegant hardware, and that is why I want to be a part of it. So, when I found your Job opening on LinkedIn, even though I wasn’t actively looking for one, I considered it a calling and took the opportunity to apply right away.”

Sample Answer 2:

“I heard it from Mary June. She was one of my old colleagues and close friends when we worked as lab assistants at Yale University. She told me about how your company was looking for an experienced lab technician, and she was the one who encouraged me to apply, saying that my experience working in a lab would prove great for your company.

Apart from her, I’ve heard a lot of good things about your company while I was still studying at the University. I always wanted to be a part of an organization such as yours.” 

What Kind of Answer Never to Give to the Interviewer?

“I don’t really remember. I was just browsing through LinkedIn when I saw your job post. I thought, why not apply? I don’t have any particular interest in the position, but the incentives you were offering seemed pretty good. It just seemed like something to do, you know.”

3. Why Do You Want to Work Here?

If an employer wants to hire you, they have the right to ask, “Why do you want to work here?” Interviewers can bluntly ask this, which can lead you to scramble for answers. It’s another interesting question for which you should have an answer prepared.  

The Interviewer, through these questions, wants to learn a bunch of things about you, on which they evaluate whether you’re a good hire or should look elsewhere. Some of the things that the recruiter can learn from asking this unique question and answer include:

If you want to prepare an answer that stands out, here’s what you need to do:

Sample Answer 1

“The reason I want to work here is because I can see myself growing professionally here. I always loved the high-quality tech you delivered, and being a tech wiz myself, I consider it a dream job to work in. I’d really like to contribute everything I have to know about how you work and make such innovative tech gadgets. I believe my coding skills and tech knowledge would prove useful.”

Sample Answer 2:

“Helping others and learning about new things has been a passion of mine. Consider teaching a calling, as I was a tutor way back before I graduated and got my Master’s Degree in Education. Having experience in teaching others I find it as a place where I’m in the zone. I can’t really think of a better position than teaching, which is why I want to apply my skills professionally in your esteemed organization.”

4. Why Did You Decide to Apply for This Position?

This is another common interview question the Interviewer usually asks. Although it is not quite different from the question above, the secret to answering lies in how passionate you are about the job position.

The Interviewer wants to assess what drives you for the job, whether it is a true passion for the company or something else. The employer wants employees who have a passion to work in the company. It is because a passionate employee is a satisfied employee. And higher job satisfaction is linked to better performance.

So, the Interviewer looks for answers that showcase your passion for the company. Do understand that the Interviewer has gone through several interviews, and can tell apart lies from the truth. Ensure your answer is honest. While answering, be sure to have these two things in the answer:

Sample Answer 1

I always had a deep interest in writing, as I used to write make up my own stories when I was a kid. For me, writing isn’t a job; it’s an opportunity to share stories. Your company was under my radar, as you’re among the companies that foster a positive work environment. Seeing how I can learn and grow, I believe I can play as a strong member in the long run. 

Sample Answer 2:

I always wanted to go into marketing. I have done promotional jobs in the past, but I never had the opportunity to pursue them full-time. Now that I’m done with University and have gained the skillset, I believe I’m truly ready to invest my career in marketing. Having a portfolio in copywriting and Photoshop, I can prove myself as an excellent fit for your company. 

5. What Is Your Greatest Strength?

Another unique question you need to answer is, “what are your greatest strengths.” It’s a fairly common question that the Interviewer is interested in. Even though the question sounds simple, it can catch freshers off guard. Most new to interviews find it hard to talk about their key skills, which may offset their chances. 

You need to keep in mind two things while framing your answer. The first is the Interviewer’s intent, and the second is the proper way of answering:

The Interviewer typically asks the question to gauge:

While crafting the perfect answer, you need to ensure your reply focuses on the following:

 You don’t necessarily have to put forward a real example. Recruiters won’t go into the complete backstory. However, you need to ensure that your answer focuses on the key skill that you’re really good at.

Sample Answer 1

“I would say my biggest strength is keeping my cool even during the most critical situations. No matter what crisis or stress, I can manage it with the right decisions. One of the many areas where this skill has been quite useful was when I had a team project due. Being the head of the project, I had the sole responsibility to get it done before the deadline ended. Through quick decision-making and timely communication, my team and I were able to send it by the eleventh hour.”

Sample Answer 2:

“One of the key skills I’m confident in is that I’m a fast learner who can pick up skills when the need arises. When I was around 18, I worked a lot of odd jobs, from babysitting to mowing lawns, cooking, and cleaning. For most jobs, I had to pick up those skills and get to work in a week or even less. 

So, through it, I was able to learn faster than others. Even if I don’t have the experience of a bartender, I believe I can quickly learn the basics and become a regular server in a week or two.”

6. What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?

With strength, the Interviewer can also ask about your weaknesses. It is another common question you need to give a unique answer to. Just like for strengths, the interviewers want to seek:

The key is mentioning a real weakness that doesn’t relate to your career. And no, you don’t want to humble-brag your weakness, as it wouldn’t count. Here are some possible answers that you can take inspiration for this unique interview question:

Sample Answer 1

“Being an introvert, I always had trouble communicating. I even got the jitters when I had to talk to someone face-to-face. Over the years, I have significantly improved and am now able to have a steady discussion without feeling anxious.

But I don’t think this skill would impact my job as a programmer. Even though I do get a little nervous when talking to someone, I can comfortably manage when I work with a team.”  

Sample Answer 2:

“I would say my biggest weakness is the lack of proficiency with data analysis. Although I can handle the creative aspect of marketing, I do recognize the importance of data-driven decision making. To address it, I have started taking online courses to improve my analytical skills. I believe my commitment and dedication will help benefit from learning and make me a more informed marketer.” 

What Kind of Answer to Never Give the Interviewer?

“One bad habit of mine is that I’m a perfectionist. Although I do want to leave this habit, but It has proven quite difficult. When I’m engrossed in doing something, I feel the need to fight tooth and nail to get it done.”

7. What Do You Know About This Company/Organization?

Another common question the Interviewer may fire at random in the interview is what the candidate knows about the company itself. Through it, they want to understand the level of engagement the candidate has for the interview.

Think of this question as an open-ended one through which the Interviewer scales your understanding of the company. There is no real wrong answer to the question, but giving a detailed answer about the knowledge you have about the organization improves your chances of getting hired. 

Picture this:

There are two equally competent candidates at the interview. One has a real interest in the company and has done his research about it before coming in for the interview. On the other hand, the other one doesn’t know much. 

Who do you think has a better chance of getting hired? Most of you would’ve guessed the first one, and that’s exactly right.

If you want to give the perfect reply, there are a few things to keep in mind for this unique question and answer:

Being well-informed can make a significant difference during the interview.

Sample Answer 1

“I didn’t hear about your company until recently when I found out through LinkedIn that a position was open which I was interested in. I took the time to research the company and found that some of my interests align with the company’s goals and objectives. Although I’m still fresh, I believe that my general interest in the product will make me a good fit for the role.”  

8. Why Should We Hire You?

Another unique question that freshers may find difficult to answer is, “why should we hire you?” It’s among the first-round interview questions you should expect from anywhere you get called in. 

Just as you need to give a pitch in the first question in this list, you could say the same for this one as well. The Interviewer wants to learn through this entry-level interview question how well you can convince them about your skills. 

One common mistake freshers usually make with answering it is they oversell themselves. Sure, the Interviewer asks this interview question to learn what makes you unique, but there is a difference between pitching and overselling. 

Here’s an example of overselling:

“I’m the best marketer you can ever find.”

Don’t exaggerate what you can do; rather, focus on a rational answer that can help convince the Interviewer that you’re the right person for the job. Here are 3 points to help you create the perfect response:

Sample Answer 1

“Over the years I’ve built a list of skills such as Photoshop, copywriting, and SEO skills through taking online courses during my days studying at college. These skills directly align with what is expected from a junior level marketer. Although I’m a fresh grad with no prior experience, but being a fast learner, I believe I can quickly adapt to the fast paced role of being a marketer.” 

Sample Answer 2

“Even before I started college, I had a passion for cars and how they operate, specifically the ones you made. Not only did they have efficiency, but their control and speed made me love it. With that passion I focused my education and skills to become an automobile engineer for a company such as yourself. I believe I have the right skills and qualifications to apply for a junior role. I want to dedicate my time and effort to a company that makes the product I love and has a passion for.”

9. What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?

Another common interview question you might give a unique answer to is “What is your greatest accomplishment?” No, the Interviewer isn’t trying to trick you into revealing your arrogance; they just want to find out what makes you stand out from the crowd. 

It helps them understand your values, your views of success, and the soft skills you possess. 

Now, being a fresh grad out of college or University, you might wonder what achievement you should talk about. To give a proper answer, here are a few good things you can say in the interview to impress your Interviewer:

Sample Answer 1

“I would say my proudest accomplishment would be graduating with honors from my University. It’s something that shows my dedication to my academic excellence and how I learned different skills such as time management, managing multiple responsibilities and keeping focus on my long-term goals.”

Sample Answer 2

“I would consider leading the marketing project during my time at University as one of my biggest accomplishments up till now. The project was to create a marketing campaign for a local non-profit organization. It was our final year project and had a grade tied with it. Through the project I was able to hone my marketing skills and apply the marketing theories I learned during my University days. Through our campaign we were able to boost the community engagement by 20%.”

What Kind of Answer to Never Give the Interviewer?

“I think my greatest accomplishment is getting through college without failing any classes. I mean, it was a pretty chill time, and I didn’t stress too much on my grades. I guess I’m just too good without putting in the effort.”

10. What Are Your Salary Requirements?

Apart from growth and development, salary compensation is another reason a person considers applying for a job in any organization. Just like how a customer asks for a quote for a specific product or service, the employer asks about the worth of your services. Sooner or later, the Interviewer will ask you this, and you should be prepared for it. It’s often asked during the end of interviews. 

Answering this question can be tricky, as you don’t want to lowball yourself, and neither do you want to name a price that the employer would not agree on. This is an interesting interview question that you should prepare for before the interview. 

Here are a few things that can help you give the perfect response:

Having a good understanding will allow you to negotiate into getting a pay bump of what they’re currently offering. This way, you and the employer can benefit from a win-win situation. 

Sample Answer 1

I expect my salary to be around $80,000 annually.

Sample Answer 2

My salary expectations are around the range of $50,000-$60,000. 

11. Do You Have Any Questions for Us?

This is among the last questions the Interviewer will ask. And even though there is no proper answer to it, there is, in fact, a wrong answer:

“Nope! I’ve got no questions, let me see myself out!”

This is another common interview question that the Interviewer expects a unique answer to. The Interviewer isn’t collecting feedback about the interview or asking you whether everything is clear, but rather, they ask this to see if you’re really interested in the position. 

Asking them questions about the ins and outs can present you as an enthusiastic individual to the employer, which can improve your chances of getting hired. Not to mention that through these unique questions and the Interviewer’s answers, you can get a better idea of whether you really want to work here or not.

Sample Answer 1

  • Can you describe the team dynamics?
  • What does a typical day look like for someone with this role?
  • Can you tell me more about the company’s goals?
  • What opportunities are there for training to enhance my job skills?
  • What are the next steps in the hiring process?

12. What Are You Looking for from A New Position?

For this question you want to view it from the perspective of the employer. Through this question, they want to know what you hope to get from the new job position. Now, this is an interesting interview question, which requires that you give a serious answer. Don’t go for half-baked answers like:

“A good salary and that’s it!”

You need to construct a reply that helps convince the employer that you have a plan and goals that you are pursuing. The best reply would be the one that focuses on the company, the position, and how it ties to your short and long-term goals.

Sample Answer 1

“I am looking for a position that challenges me and helps me align with my passion. I hope to contribute to a company like yours to get an opportunity to grow and advance in my career.”

13. Are You Considering Other Positions in Other Companies?

Now, this is a tricky question that can have a significant impact on the employer’s decision to hire. You need to consider how much you want the HR manager to know here. Should you confess the whole truth or give a tiny white lie?

If you tell the complete truth, the Interviewer may think you aren’t completely dedicated to the job position, whereas if you lie, it could end badly during salary negotiations. 

So, rather than telling the truth or lying, you want to meet in the middle here. The Interviewer usually asks this question to learn whether they have any competition in hiring you, as well as the dedication you have for the company or industry. 

The best answer to this interesting interview question would be to tell them that you have kept your options open, but you are favoring this job over others. The goal here is to avoid showing yourself as desperate. 

Sample Answer 1

“Although I’ve kept my options open and have been exploring other opportunities, however I favor your company above others due to the fact that your company mission aligns with mine. I am genuinely excited about the prospect of joining your company and contributing to the team.”

Sample Answer 2

“Even though I’ve kept my options open, and have been exploring other opportunities, I find your company as the ideal place that I would like to work and contribute to. The company work environment is what appeals to me. Which is why I am excited about the possibility of being a part of the company.”

14. What Is the Professional Achievement You’re Most Proud Of?

This is another question that the Interviewer can ask instead of “what is your greatest achievement?” And just like this question, the Interviewer has the same intent: to know how you stand out from the crowd. You can use the same answer that you would’ve given to the last question. 

Another great way to answer would be to use the STAR method. Here’s what it is:

  • S: Situation: Give a little context of the past achievement
  • T: Task: State your challenges or responsibilities.
  • A: Action: Discuss the steps you took to overcome the challenge
  • R: Result: Explain the positive outcome that you got from the action you took.



15. What Kind of Working Environment Do You Work Best in?

Every company has a work culture. Some have a hierarchical structure where rules and guidelines are strict, while some have a laid-back environment where employees are motivated to use their creativity and out-of-the-box thinking to get the job done. 

The employer, through this unique interview question, wants to assess whether you’ll fit in with the current work environment or not. Hiring someone who isn’t cut out of their work environment could lead to candidates leaving as soon as they join, which could affect their turnover rate. 

This is why they ask this question as a precautionary measure; they want to make sure the person they hire can settle in without any problems. If you want to give the right answer to this question, then you should invest your time in researching the company. Try visiting their official website and social media pages to learn the general vibe of the company’s work environment. 

If you believe you’ll settle in without any issues, then use the information to your advantage to improve your chances of getting hired. 

Sample Answer 1

“I thrive in a collaborative space, where opinions are heard and creativity is deeply encouraged. I appreciate a workplace where the input from all team members is appreciated.”

Sample Answer 2

“I’m a by-the-book kind of person, and find myself working well in environments where proper rules and guidelines are followed. With a streamlined communication process, I believe I can work with a team and grow.”

16. Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

No, they don’t want to know if you’re leaving in the future or working for the company. This is a pretty interesting interview question that has a lot to offer the Interviewer. The reason they ask you this is to assess the type of person you are: do you have any ambitions or not? How realistic are they? And how do you plan on doing it?

They don’t want answers like: “In your seat” or “become the head of the company.” This may look more like an exaggeration than a response. Consider answering it, focusing on what your next steps are and how you are to go about them.

Sample Answer 1

“In the span of five years, I see myself continuing to develop my expertise in marketing. I’m eager to take on more responsibilities and contribute to more innovative projects. Ideally, I would like to be in a managerial role where I can mentor and guide junior team members and share the knowledge and experience I’ve gained.”

Sample Answer 2

“In the next five years, I see myself as deeply invested in my marketing career and have achieved more responsibilities to handle. Even though the path may have its challenges and I might have to take on several certifications and training to get there, I have the dedication to get to that position.”

Unique Situational Job Interview Questions

With common interview questions out of the way, you’ve dealt with the hard part. Using the information above, you can formulate your very own unique answer for whatever question they throw at you. 

But you should remember not all interviews are the same. The Interviewer can ask a few specific questions based on your situation. These are what you call situational interview questions. If you want to learn more about them, then here are some common yet specific situational questions you should prepare for pre-interview:

1. Why Haven’t You Gotten Your Bachelor’s Degree/Master’s Degree/Ph.D.?

In some instances, the Interviewer may ask about your educational qualification, which could lead to them asking why you didn’t pursue your education any further. Now, it may come off as they want someone with a better degree, but it isn’t. 

Actually, what they really want to know is why they want to pursue a career rather than continue their education. Giving the right answer could improve your chances of getting hired. Don’t say something like, “I didn’t want to study any further, and it seemed like a waste of money.” Instead, provide a compelling reason to focus on your career rather than learn. 

Here are some good reasons to initiate a response:

Sample Answer 1

“At this point in my life, I decided to choose to go with my career path instead of getting further education. I believe that the practical experience I gain will be more valuable than getting an education. 

The past years have been well for me proving my decision right. I’ve gained years of experience in the practical field while also learning a lot. I haven’t given up on education entirely, as I may pursue education in the near future for the betterment of my career.”  

Sample Answer 2:

“One of my reasons to not pursue education at this point of time comes from financial concerns. Seeing the sudden inflation and it’s hard to make ends meet. Although I do have an interest in getting my Master in Computer Science, I decided that I should improve on my career until my chance comes.”

2. Why Have You Switched Jobs So Many Times?

Although being a fresher, you won’t have much experience, but for experienced candidates, this is a question that can pop up if they hopped jobs. Job hopping is when a person switches between multiple full-time positions in a short span of time, usually less than 2-3 months. The reason being better pay and perks.  

It is often considered a red flag by most employers, which Is why they ask the question to learn if the candidate had a legitimate reason for switching between jobs or if there was some other reason.

It’s an interesting situational question that an interviewer can ask to clear their doubts away. Here are some reasons companies are skeptical about job hoppers:

If you do find yourself stuck with this question, you need to convince them that you don’t belong to any 3 categories. Your answer needs to make the recruiter understand that you’re loyal and don’t want to jump ships in a short period. Here are some reasons you can give:

Sample Answer 1

“My last job wasn’t what I expected it to be. The culture that was promised during my initiation was nothing like what I expected. The hiring manager at the time had told me that employee opinions matter, but instead what I got was a toxic work environment where employees were treated with hostility from upper management.”

Sample Answer 2:

“Work has never been an issue for me as I always found enjoyment when brought up a challenge. Being a copywriter, I like to work on sales copy, web content, and emails for clients, but what I found at my last job was making generic copies for clients. It was quite monotonous, and I didn’t find any area to grow in. It was the reason why I decided to look for work elsewhere.

3. Why Did You Change Your Career Path?

In the case that you completely went off road in your career journey to look for something else to do, then this question is a given. It’s a unique question that you need to answer to improve your chances of getting hired. 

Now, this question may sound scary, but in reality, the question is a fairly simple one to answer. Multiple people go through a career change, and it’s nothing to be scared of. If you have the skills, then the recruiter will surely hire you. 

Just be honest about why you wanted to leave your previous career behind and what excited you about the change.

Sample Answer 1

I worked as a doctor for nearly 3 years, but I found it was not right for me. Although I did enjoy the 3 years in med school and then the study of six years, when I started my career, I found it quite monotonous. On the other hand, I always had a passion for cooking, and I always felt enjoyment in cooking for others and seeing their content faces when they ate. Doing it since middle school, and even during my career, I feel I can handle being a chef.”

Sample Answer 2:

“It’s because making sales interest me. Although I did work as an engineer of a tech firm in the past, I felt tired of working a desk job. I had people skills, and wanted something exciting, which was why I pursued sales training. I find excitement in making sales, and through joining a sale team, such as yours I believe I can end up being a successful salesman.”

4. Why Did You Decide to Leave Your Previous/Current Job?

If you previously had a job, then the Interviewer will surely ask about the reasons that you wanted to leave the company and join this one. Here are a few reasons interviewers usually ask it:

You need to construct a proper response that shows that you had a legitimate reason for wanting to switch between careers.

Sample Answer 1

“I decided it was time. Work seemed monotonous. There was nothing left to learn, even while delivering amazing results. Although I had served 2 years with the company, I realized I should switch to have something new in life. 

Sample Answer 2:

“Although I worked for 3 years in my past job, I realized that the values the company had didn’t coincide with me. Micromanagement was making the working environment toxic, and I wanted to have control over my work, rather than someone telling me how to do it. It’s why I chose to resign, and work somewhere creativity is valued.”

5. Why Is There a Gap in Your Work Experience?

If you weren’t employed in the past, then don’t worry, but for the ones that did work in the past and then took some time off work before looking to get a new job, you need to prepare for this unique interview question.

In most cases, a gap in your work experience doesn’t mean much, but if the Interviewer asks a question, they should provide an honest reason for it. You don’t have to lie about why you weren’t working, be truthful and move on. Here are some reasons to let your Interviewer know about:

However, if the case were that you were laid off from work or that you quit, then you need to be really subtle about it so you don’t face any challenges during the interview. 

Sample Answer 1

“I had a baby, and I was on maternity leave.”

Sample Answer 2:

“My mother was diagnosed with cancer, which led me to take care of her full-time, for over a year.”

6. Why Were You Fired?

If you already told them that you were fired, then the Interviewer will surely ask the reason for getting fired by the company. Understand that we are not talking about getting laid off. There’s a big difference between the two:

This is a tough question, as you can’t lie because the employer can contact the previous employer to get the genuine reason. The best response to give here is to tell the truth and admit to your faults and what you’re doing to improve.

Sample Answer 1

“The main fault was miscommunication. I was unclear about the job responsibilities, which lead me to underperform. While it did try my best to deliver, It wasn’t what the company was looking for, so they decided to let me go.”

Sample Answer 2:

“I was under the impression that my previous job was for a senior-level marketer to work in the email marketing team, but what I didn’t know was the company was experimenting with email marketing and wanted someone to oversee it completely. Although I tried my best, it didn’t work out, leading them to let me go.”

7. How Do You Feel About Working Weekends or Late Hours?

Now, depending on the job you applied for, some may have odd timings, like working on weekends or working during the night shift. This is a common situational question that doesn’t exactly require a unique answer. 

Companies that work on the weekends or hire employees living in different time zones want to know if the employees will be available to work during these hours. If you already knew that the company worked at unusual times, then chances are you’re comfortable working late or weekend shifts. So, you should answer it clearly. 

Sample Answer 1

“Sure, I’m fine with working on weekends, as long as you let me know a few days in advance.”

Sample Answer 2:

“Sure, I don’t mind working extra hours, as long as you offer overtime.”

8. How Would Your Boss Describe You?

This is an interesting interview question. Why? Because the question is pretty much the same as “What are your greatest strengths?” But the answer for this one needs to focus on how your past employers viewed you.

To answer this question, you need to point out your unique traits and achievements that you’re previously praised for. To answer, you can either:

Sample Answer 1

If my previous boss was here, they would say that I’m a hard worker who is dedicated to their job role. During my time there just after Christmas, three of my colleagues had called in sick. Being the peak season, we just went from prepared to understaffed, which could become a complete panic.

Being among the only ones at the restaurant, I had to spread my responsibilities between serving, cooking, and bussing up tables, through which we managed to survive. 

Sample Answer 2:

“Well, in the last performance review, my boss complimented me on my strong work ethic. They told me that I was among the most punctual employees that took their job quite seriously. ”  

9. Do You Have Any Serious Medical Conditions?

Although it may seem a bit personal, the employer should be informed regarding any medical condition you may have that may hinder your performance. They don’t want to hire someone that underperforms. 

In most cases, you’re not obliged to give the answer. If your medical condition doesn’t impair your ability to work, then simply answer “No.” However, if you believe that you have something that could hinder your work, you should discuss it right away. 

For example, if you believe that the job requires that you lift heavy loads, then you should inform them about your condition before you’re hired. 

Sample Answer 1

“No, I don’t have any serious medical conditions.”  

Sample Answer 2:

“I can’t lift heavy weights as I suffer from chronic back pain. But I won’t have any issues working in the office. 

10. What Would Your First 30, 60, Or 90 Days Look Like in This Role?

This is a question through which the Interviewer wants to assess your leadership skills through the interview question and answer. If the HR manager does ask this question, then chances are that they might be interested in hiring you. 

However, the decision could weigh on how you answer it. The question helps assess the candidate’s ability to think and describe how they will act when they join the company. You want to use your knowledge in the field to answer this question. Here’s a simple interview answer template you can use to answer your question:

Sample Answer 1

“During the first 30 days, being new to the company as a senior marketer, I would first focus the beginning days in gaining a better idea of what I’m working with. I’ll focus my attention on learning more about the company, the processes it takes for marketing, and the current challenges and problems it faces. Through it, I’ll devise a plan to help solve it.”

Sample Answer 2:

 “For the next 60 days, I think of them as the time to set my plans in motion. Let’s say through extensive research; it was found that the company has faced a significant decline in website traffic in the past few months. To solve the issue, I’ll first focus on website auditing to learn whether the website has any broken links, outdated content, or any other issue. Next, I’ll focus on updating existing content, focusing on the latest industry trends and the company’s expertise. After that, I’ll prepare SEO strategies to improve search engine results.

11. Are You a Team Player?

Regardless of whether it’s a solo role or requires a team effort, the answer to this question should always be a “Yes.” However, your answer shouldn’t be just a yes; be more specific and consider giving an example to back up your claim. 

Sample Answer 1

“Yes, I can definitely say that I’m a team player. In my last job, I was blessed with colleagues that would go out of their way to help. They had a great company culture, where everyone was there to help. It also motivated me to do the same. Even during tight deadline projects, we were able to do pretty well.”

Sample Answer 2:

“I would say I’m better working in a team rather than by myself. When it comes to marketing, a team brings more creativity, and that leads to million dollar ideas. With a tight knit team, I believe anything is possible. That was my mindset with my previous employer.”

12. Are You a Risk-Taker?

This is one of the most unique questions you would need to answer correctly. Employers do want to evaluate your mindset and how well you perform during critical situations. This question is tricky. Why? Because depending on the position you applied for risk could be good or bad. 

If you applied for the role of a pilot, then the answer would be an obvious “No,” but what if you’re a stockbroker? Then, taking risks could make you look good. First, think about the job you applied to and consider how valuable the risk is for your job, to develop a good answer. 

While giving the answer, back up your claims via past scenarios to show how you took the risk and what outcomes it led to.

Sample Answer 1

“Yes, I consider myself a risk taker. Being a marketer, every strategy and campaign is tied to some level of risk. Even though we plan everything from start to the end, we always have some level of risks involved.”

Sample Answer 2:

“I don’t consider myself a risk taker. As a pilot, taking risks means not only putting myself in danger, but others as well. In my opinion, either I go with the safest route, and if all else fails, then I focus on ways to minimize risk to ensure the safety of passengers aboard.”

13. How Do You Deal with Pressure or Stressful Situations?

Now, depending on your job role, it will come with stress. Some jobs are more lenient, while others lead to high stress. Depending on the field and job position, the Interviewer may ask about how you deal with stress. 

The aim here is for the employer to understand that you won’t crack during stressful situations. Employers don’t want employees who jump ship as soon as the workload increases. To craft the right response for this unique question, your answer should be as follows:

Sample Answer 1

“Though I don’t particularly enjoy stress, I can stay on my feet when the going gets tough. During situations of panic, I try to lean on my brain rather than my heart. For example, there was a time I had to focus on multiple University projects that had near deadlines one to another. Even though I found it quite hectic, through effort and strategic thinking I was able to manage them barely and had them submitted on time.”

Sample Answer 2

“Believe it or not, but I feel that I perform better when I’m under pressure. I think of stressful situations as challenges. Rather than feel down or get overwhelmed, I try to take the challenge head-on. For instance, having experience working in a fast food business, I occasionally had to cook, when the team was understaffed. Even during the hectic times, I kept my concentration at max, and rather than multitask, I kept full focus on completing a single project before moving to the next one.”

14. Do You Think There Is a Difference Between Hard Work and Smart Work?

When it comes to work, there are two schools of thought: hard work and smart work. Hard work means putting in a lot of effort to get the job done. On the other hand, smart work is when you work efficiently. 

The Interviewer, through this question, wants to know what your opinions are about both work types. While giving an answer, don’t pick a side and show bias. Instead, you should address yourself as both. 

Employers want an employee who features both traits in a balanced manner. They want someone who can manage work to quickly get it done while also not hesitating to put in an effort to work hard.

Sample Answer

“I believe both make quite the difference, and an employee should have a balance between the two. For me, I don’t specifically have a preference, and I consider using both to get the job done. Through smart work, I’m able to find the fastest way of fixing the issue, while hard work lets me complete any project with quality. For instance, during my university days, my class and I had to prepare a presentation on sustainability and present it to the whole class. As a solo project, I first focused on research. Rather than hitting the library to get the information, I focused on using AI tools to get an understanding of what sustainability is. I also used it to understand the topics of importance and how to present them. Then, through hard work, I prepared the notes and material to use in the presentation.

Next, I searched for presentation tools to help me craft a compelling presentation. Through using both work types, I was able to prepare an engaging presentation that got me a good grade.”

15. How Quickly Do You Adapt to New Technology?

As the use of technology has completely saturated every field, being tech-savvy or at least having knowledge of operating a computer is a must. As technology develops, companies are quickly adapting new ones to stay relevant in the market. 

As companies introduce new technological systems, they also require employees who can quickly adapt to using them. It’s why they may ask candidates about how quickly they adapt to technologies. 

So, while answering, you need to show your tech-savvy side.  

Sample Answer 1

“I consider myself a pretty tech-savvy person. From a young age I’ve always had an interest in technology and gadgets. I tend to get my way around using tech. I have a good understanding of how to use a PC.”Next, I searched for presentation tools to help me craft a compelling presentation. Through using both work types, I was able to prepare an engaging presentation that got me a good grade.”

Sample Answer 2

“I would say I’ve got a keen interest in tech. I actively seek out new software to improve any issues that I find. I’ve got a great understanding about customer management software, including CRM, Salesforce and PipeDrive.”

16. Do You Have Any Interests Outside of Work?

If the Interviewer asks about your interest, then take it as a good sign. It shows that they liked your professional background, and now want to know what kind of person you are and whether you’re a good fit for the job role. 

Although it’s pretty hard to get wrong here, you shouldn’t disclose any extreme hobbies like:

“I like to play video games all day long, when I’m not working.”

It could offset the Interviewer. Focus on simple things that you like to do, especially if it’s relevant to your job position. 

Sample Answer 1

I’m a big fan of sports. I usually spend the weekends on long bike rides while I also dabble in soccer with my community. I’ve pretty much done it all, from swimming to basketball to even archery.”  

Sample Answer 2

“I usually like to spend my time with a good book. I love reading, it’s one of the things that brings me joy. My favorite genre is fiction, and I like to read spine chilling stories. I think it’s the thing that keeps my creativity jogging, being a creative writer.”

What Answer Never to Give in an Interview

“I usually spend my free time playing videogames all day.”

17. What Do You Think Our Company/Organization Could Do Better?

This is another pretty interesting interview question that you could end up with during an interview. Most tech companies often ask this from new candidates. Although it may seem like a feedback question, this one is a pretty interesting question if you look at the Interviewer’s reasoning. 

The Interviewer usually wants to learn a few things through asking this question:

Make sure you do your research about the company to learn what is off about the company or product. 

Sample Answer 1

“I did a little digging about the company and found that your website seems to have a little issue. Although your company did focus on user experience, I found some of your service pages to have longer loading times. I believe it could offset your chances of generating leads. If you have the time, I can even show you where I notice these issues.”

Sample Answer 2

“Well, I would say a lot of things. I’m actually not enjoying this interview, and your product doesn’t really work that well. I believe you should improve it a lot before selling it.”

Unique Behavioral Questions in a Job Interview

With common and situational questions out of the way, let’s move on to our last batch of unique questions to answer before we end. Those are behavioral questions. These questions are focused on learning about how you performed in the past or during a specific situation. 

Through the answer, the Interviewer can gain an understanding of your thinking pattern. Here are the 3 most common interview behavioral questions the Interviewer would ask, with unique sample answers. 

1. Give an Example of How You Have Handled a Challenge in The Workplace Before

Through the question, the Interviewer wants to gain an idea of how you perform during any challenge or critical situation. 

Keep your answer simple and use the STAR method to generate a response. 

Sample Answer

During my time working part-time at a fast food chain, there was this instance at peak hours when multiple employees called in late. I was on the shift, and it happened. As customers came rushing in, I took the initiative to spread my responsibilities between serving and cooking meals. Although it was quite hectic, by taking the initiative, we were able to get done with the day without any setbacks.

2. Give an Example of When You Performed Well Under Pressure

When an employee wants to learn how well you cope with stress, they may ask you this. Consider it a guaranteed case for the high-stress work environment. Using the same method, give a proper answer for it.

Sample Answer

One instance I can remember when I was met with a lot of pressure was when I was the line cook at a local restaurant. I worked during the peak hours during the night. Every day, I had to prepare multiple meals at once. The other cooks and I had to divide our attention between the orders racing in and preparing and serving food outside to ensure customers remained satisfied. I usually kept my cool by ensuring everything was in order and focusing on a single meal at a time rather than preparing multiple ones. 

3. Give an Example of When You Showed Leadership Qualities

If the Interviewer wants to hire you for a leadership role, then you would want this interview question’s answer. Focus on a past situation where you had to use your leadership skills to get the job done, for instance, leading the project.

Sample Answer

During my time at the University, I was assigned a group project with a few different colleagues who were in the same class. Although no one was appointed as a team lead, I assigned myself to oversee the project. I foresaw communication and project distributions. I also took part in the project and assisted anyone in need. I also assigned responsibilities to each member and helped them collaborate. Through it, I found myself to have a knack for leadership. Through my continuous support and our team’s dedication, we were able to complete the project days before the deadline and also received a decent grade.

Final Note:

In conclusion, the first interview can get your stomach in knots. Being a fresher, you’re always worrying about what unique questions you would need to answer. But don’t you worry? This ultimate guide has questions to answer. Doesn’t matter if you want to know about common interview questions and what unique answers to give or learn about situational ones. You’re more likely to find the interview questions you’re looking for with the right sample answers to give. With this, you’re ready to ace that interview and get closer to your first job.

People Also Asks

Employers often ask unique interview questions to assess the candidate’s technical skills, creativity, problem-solving ability, and whether the employee is a cultural fit or not. Through the answers, they can assess if the candidate can handle tasks and fit the company culture. So you should also read our thorough blog for fun questions and answers in interview.

Although you can’t predict every question the Interviewer may ask, what you can do is prepare for the common ones that interviews can ask. You should also take the time to do your research on the company so that you have knowledge when it’s time to make up an answer.

One mistake to avoid is providing overly scripted answers. While it’s good to prepare for the interview, you shouldn’t try to prepare a script and memorize all the answers. Be honest, think about the question clearly, and talk in a clear tone to give a natural answer.

For candidates without prior experience, it’s a good idea that they consider scenarios around their academics or extracurricular activities.

Brian Bertrand

Brian Bertrand

Brian Bertrand is an experienced Resume Writer and Interview Specialist who helps individuals land their dream jobs. With a wealth of experience, Brian shares valuable insights and expert answers tailored for entry-level job seekers, helping them navigate the interview process with confidence and increase their chances of success.

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